The game Mysteries tested with family

Discover the testimony of a family who tested the game for you Mysteries in Terre d'Argence, a game - investigation in the streets of Beaucaire! Opinion and experience sharing.

A track game in the old center

“Dad, what do we do ? ” Passing in Beaucaire in the Gard for the day with friends, we must occupy Louis and Sylvain, our children aged 11 and 14. After a walk on the port, the good weather pushes us through the old center of this pretty town classified as a City of Art and History.
Art and history obviously do not fascinate children, we enter the Tourist Office (installed in an old 15th century building please) to get some ideas.


Bingo : a giant Cluedo exists throughout the city ! We're testing. It's called “Mysteries in Land of Argence.”

By the way, we also take the opportunity to visit the exhibition that sits inside and which traces the great moments of the city. Good, fast, because the kids are in a hurry to start the game! History will wait one more day !
We buy at the office a pouch containing all the elements of the game and here we went to the city.
The idea is to let the kids play. We follow them by calmly visiting the city center. Well, we help them a little too, we stayed big kids !

In the bag we find an investigation booklet with small games, an old map of the city, an old parchment, accessories... and envelopes that we only have the right to open at every step we have taken. Sylvain, the largest, conducts the investigation as a real detective and Louis assures his back.
The game leads us to the center bench, a kind of rampart that protects the city from a flood of the Rhône.
The clues call for different reflections: rebuses, inverted words, labyrinths... Children's play! Parents also participate !

Here is the synopsis in a few words :
Beaucaire, 1848. The famous seamstress Agathe Zeublouse has mysteriously disappeared and we have to find her. Among the suspects, Abbot Nefisse and Father Manant do not look very sharp. But there is also the legendary Drac de Beaucaire, the terrible monster who lived hidden in a cave at the bottom of the Rhone and devoured the unfortunate evening walkers...
Is it possible that it was he who kidnapped our seamstress ?

When Sylvain stalls, Louis, the youngest, often has the right intuition “Hey look up! Isn't that what you're looking for ? ” Smart like his father !

If the riddle is really too hard for them, we needle them. You have to use all the clues to achieve its ends. Well, it's mostly them who help us rather than the other way around !

This great track game is especially for us a pretext for a nice walk. Beaucaire's streets and history are full of magnificent mansions, churches and other wonders of the historic centre.

After two good hours of walking through the old center, the case is resolved. “Elementary my dear children !” The break is necessary and the canal on the port is the ideal place to go for a drink for us, eat ice cream for the children! Any work deserves reward !

Mysteries in Terre d'Argence for sale at the Maison du Tourisme & du patrimoine for 9.50€
(this price includes a pouch containing all the clues to conduct your investigation to several independently).
Suitable for children from 12 years old (accompanied by parents).

On sale at the Home of Tourism and Heritage - 8, rue Victor Hugo.

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Contact & information

Le jeu Mystères testé en famille
Office de tourisme
8 rue Victor Hugo
30300 Beaucaire
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