In Terre d’ Argence, bulls are kings. Discover our traditions: Camargue races, abrivados, encierros, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the bouvine!
Here the bull is king
Of Camargue breed, it is small, nervous and faster than Spanish bulls.
It is the only European breed that is still considered wild, it is a so-called “brave” breed.
A unique natural environment
Bulls are bred in manades, large natural spaces. We call them 'the bious'.
The job of manadier is a profession of passion. He takes care of the animals, heals them, in the hope that one day one of his bulls will become famous and will shine the motto of the manade during a Camargue race. Some bulls, adored as stars, will make the fame of their breeder !
Only the most valiant bulls will be led into the arena. The career of a bull begins at about 4 years old and ends at about 15, the age from which he will live a peaceful retreat until its death.
The bull is truly pampered throughout his life! For 15 minutes in the arena, the bull will spend the next 3 months in the meadow with the other bulls waiting for the next race !
The bull is invited to the all the parties
During the summer parties, each village lives to the rhythm of abrivado and bandido.
Historically, abrivado means the transport of bulls from the meadow to the arenas.Today, these traditions (abrivados, encierros, bandidos, gazes) are an opportunity to live a unique festive moment in the streets of the villages of Terre d'Arence !
The bull is also greatly appreciated for its meat, tender and tasty.
They include “gardianes”, culinary specialty of Camargue and Terre d'Argence. There is also a Camargue bull AOC. Dark, red and lean meat is resembles game meat. What if you enjoyed your stay in Terre d'Argence to taste it ?